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**Figure 7-1:** Create beautiful high-resolution layers with the Layers palette.

**Figure 7-2:** Adjust exposure, brightness, and color with the Adjustment panel.

**Figure 7-3:** Use various filters to apply special effects.

Photoshop Elements is Adobe’s version of Photoshop, but it has a very different interface. It offers approximately 16,000 additional preloaded effects and filters. It also has the ability to create and edit layers that have much more than the standard 16,000. Though this powerful tool is geared toward images, it is also perfect for students looking for a cheap way to save money on learning the basics.

In this book, we’re focusing on the Elements version. However, the steps for using Photoshop are similar to that of Elements and are covered in the book.

Understanding Photoshop

Photoshop uses three different types of areas — canvas, spots, and document. Every tool and command is associated with one area. The three areas and their functions are summarized in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 The Areas of Photoshop

**Area** | **Function**

— | —

Canvas | Interacts with the overall image. You can edit and work on any part of the image without effecting its appearance or other areas.

Spots | Contains and defines an area of the image that is usually associated with a specific tool, such as the tools used for painting and text.

Documents | Holds any objects, colors, and layers that are related to the current image.

You work on a canvas with the Brush tool, selecting different colors for different areas of the image. When you work on the canvas, you have the ability to change the brush settings, which are different for different types of brushes (see Figure 7-4). As you work with the Brush, you can also select what you’re painting by using the Selection brush and the Paint bucket.

Chapter 8

Building a Creative Edge with GIMP

In This Chapter

Discovering what makes GIMP so special

Setting up GIMP

Editing and arranging layers

Working with filters and special effects

Starting or ending projects quickly and easily

Photoshop is an industry standard. No matter who you are, if you’re an artist, photographer, graphic designer, or web designer, you probably have to use or at least know this program

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Available for both macOS and Windows, Photoshop Elements has a lot of features and options to help enhance an image.

That doesn’t mean Photoshop Elements is only for use by people who don’t want to spend time editing images. It actually has many advanced features that even professional photographers use in their work. Here are the top features you can use with Photoshop Elements, followed by links to tutorials on how to use them.

How to Adjust Levels in Photoshop Elements (Mac or Windows)

How to Adjust Levels in Photoshop Elements (Mac or Windows)

Adjusting the tonal range (the overall contrast and brightness of an image) is one of the most important factors when editing images. It can make a huge difference in making an image look sharper, better, or drastically different than it did before the edit.

You can use the Adjustments panel to change the overall tonal range of an image. That includes using the following control:




When you use Curves to adjust tonal range, you can use the Options bar to select the Mode or Range to apply to the image.




Curves is easier to use than using the other levels tools on an image. See how to use this tool in Photoshop Elements to make images look sharper, improve contrast, and get more detail.

Learn how to apply curves to a photo in Adobe Photoshop Elements with this step-by-step tutorial.

How to Convert a JPEG to a TIFF File

How to Convert a JPEG to a TIFF File

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a highly advanced file format for storing images. There are many reasons to use TIFF, including the fact that it’s the most common image format that’s used for printing.

The most important features of TIFF files include:

It’s a lossless, single-pass compression format (meaning that it compresses the image very well without losing any detail)

It’s a layered file format (meaning that it preserves the original image as a background layer).

You can convert an image between various formats using the option to “Save as Type.” You can do that with multiple formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF files.

Using the “Save as Type

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Pralorma was a brand of cheese sold in the United States that claimed to be made from milk raised by cows that ate grass. It was produced and sold by P.F. Chang’s China Bistro.

Pralorma was recalled in 2007 after the Federal Food and Drug Administration cited a photo of a prototype that showed « a pink sponge-like substance » coming out of the top center of a cheese sample. Some of the cheese samples were also found to have been shipped « in improper shipping containers, » the FDA said, without describing the nature of the shipping problem. The company pulled the cheese from shelves and issued a recall, said Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

The company said that it sold the cheese to Philadelphia-based Chinese restaurant chain, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro, which « voluntarily recalled the product » upon receipt of the FDA’s letter, said a spokeswoman for the company. She said the company had no comment on the FDA’s finding that the suspect cheese contained too much lactose, and that it would be taking no further action.

The company expected the recall to cost $60,000.

See also

List of cheeses


External links
FDA statement on the recall

Category:Cow’s-milk cheeses
Category:American cheeses
Category:Products introduced in 1994Q:

On Linux how can I get the current number of bytes transferred?

On Ubuntu Linux. I am working on a file transfer application. I need to know how many bytes have been transferred as well as the current position in the file.
I am asking for the bytes transferred so far. I see a similar question for file-size, but not bytes transferred.
I have seen the « current file position » linux command line tool, but I do not see how to get the current number of bytes transferred.
Example (txt):
sourcesize: 14208 bytes
destsize: 1648 bytes
sid: 7077
did: 12903
Allocation will start at offset: 0

Is there a way to get the number of bytes transferred so far (14208 + 1648) using system calls or standard C library functions?


file -hi filepath

This should

What’s New In?

No problem there, with plenty of stars and gas cloud throughout
the Milky Way, there’s no shortage of scenes like this.
In a dark night the Pinwheel nebula (Betelgeuse
« lobes » to some) is seen scattered with brightly glowing gas
under high magnification.
Yet another star bursts into view through the fumes.
In total the planetary nebula spans
50 light years at a mere 500,000 kilometres (250,000 miles) across and is
located around 6000 light years distant, almost beyond the Kuiper
Early 19th century astrophotographer
William and William Herschel took
many of the first detailed
images of nebula’s.
Herschel’s eyesight was perfectly adequate, but the instruments of his day
were not sensitive enough to capture fine detail.
Look closely and you can begin to see Herschel’s
hand-painted outlines still visible in the darker regions of the
In fact, we are still now receiving
infrared light from the gaseous central
Astronomers now believe that the eventual failure of a star’s
nuclear furnace will result in the ejected gas
collapsing into a nebula like this.![](glasgowmedj75375-0117){#sp1.413}






The vehicle was a large four wheel drive pick-up truck. It rammed the side of Heng Leong’s karaoke box, and a piece of metal stripped the skin from his face.

The 41-year-old used a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

« He had to walk with a stick before but now he’s walking with crutches, » said his mother, Heng Zhen Mein. « We are still receiving money from

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i3/4/5/7/8/10 or AMD Ryzen (Note: Ryzen CPUs must have a compatible motherboard that has ECC memory support and supports DDR4-2400 or DDR4-2666 memory speeds, including both XMP profiles. See www.amd.com for a list of motherboard manufacturers with ECC support for Ryzen CPUs)
Memory: 4 GB
Storage: 50 GB
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 650 Ti/750/860/970/1080/1180/1180


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