Ai Script Assist Crack Free Download [Updated] 2022

If you are working as a graphic designer and use specialized software, such as Adobe Illustrator, you might want to enhance some of its features in order to simplify your experience.
One of the applications that can help you accomplish that without significant effort is Ai Script Assist.
Please note that since it is designed to work exclusively with Adobe Illustrator this application cannot function properly on your machine unless you provide it with the host application.
No installation required
Since it is a portable application, you do not need to install it on your computer, as simply decompressing the archive file's contents and launching the executable grants you full access to its abilities.
More so, it does not generate any extra files or folders on your system without your permission, nor does it tamper with any of your Windows' registry entries.
Simple design
Ai Script Assist packs a simplistic, user-friendly interface that encompasses several intuitive functions, thus making it possible for several users to operate them in a convenient manner.
Although all of its controls are available as buttons on the main window, right-clicking an item from the list also enables you to access them just as easily. Unfortunately, this utility does not come with any form of English help manual, thus making it impossible for you to turn to a user guide in case you encounter any difficulties while making use of its functions.
Manage Adobe Illustrator scripts
You can rely on this tool if you need an efficient way to organize and access Adobe Illustrator scripts since it enables you to register your scripts, assign them keyboard shortcuts and call them directly from the host program.
Accomplishing that can be easily done by clicking the dedicated button, using the “Register the script” function under the context menu or hitting the Insert button on your keyboard. Additionally, you can export a script shortcut list to your computer, for future reference.
Lightweight Adobe Illustrator script manager that supports shortcut list exportation
To wrap it up, Ai Script Assist is a simple program that can help you manage your Adobe Illustrator scripts in a convenient manner and access them just as easily. It features a minimalistic user interface, packs intuitive functions and comes with shortcut list export capabilities.







Ai Script Assist 7.15 With Serial Key Free Download [April-2022]

I’m trying to use Ai Script Assist as suggested in this answer. To do so I use the following command line:
@ »C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 15\AI ScriptAssist.exe » « C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ »

The problem is that the « AI ScriptAssist.exe » file is showing on the taskbar of my computer. If I click on it, a message box appears telling me this:

The application you are trying to execute is not recognised as a valid application

And if I click cancel it disappears from the taskbar.
I’ve tried also to type the full path and I get this message:

This program needs to be run through the command line

If I type the full path to the exe file, a new window opens telling me:

Error detected:
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Guid:CreateInstance(System.Guid)
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(System.RuntimeType, System.Guid&)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(System.RuntimeType, Boolean, Boolean)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(System.RuntimeType, Boolean, Boolean)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Activator:CreateInstance(System.Type)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.CreateInstance(System.Reflection.Type)
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Reflection.Assembly:CreateInstance(System.Reflection.Type)
at AI ScriptAssist.App.Main()
at AI ScriptAssist.App.Main(System.String[])
at AI ScriptAssist.App..ctor()

How can I make it work?


With the help of this post, I’ve found the answer.
The solution is using the command line like this:
« C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 15\AI ScriptAssist.exe » « C:\Users\Public\Desktop

Ai Script Assist 7.15 Torrent (Activation Code)

Ai Script Assist is a script manager for Adobe Illustrator that enables you to access your scripts from the script editor window and command a keyboard shortcut list.


Clicking the Register button opens a window that contains a field for the name of your script, which can be changed. A shortcut list can also be exported.
Register a script


Clicking the Insert button in the tool bar (located at the upper left corner of the window) prompts you to enter a name for your script and start a new script editor window.
If you already have a script open, click on the Name button at the bottom of the windows to select it.
Insert a script

Quick Access

Hitting the SmartKeys “Cmd” key and the corresponding button in the tool bar (located at the upper left corner of the window) enables you to access your scripts, including “Script List” and “Script Keylist”, in a matter of seconds.
Quick access

This tool is freeware and can be downloaded here.
(right-click and save link as to download)


How to count the number of unique values in a dictionary?

is there a way to count the number of unique elements in a dictionary?
I tried the counter function but it seems that it does not work for dictionaries.
dict_1 = {‘one’ : 1, ‘two’ : 1, ‘three’ : 1, ‘four’ : 1, ‘five’ : 1,
‘five’ : 1, ‘five’ : 1, ‘five’ : 1, ‘five’ : 2, ‘five’ : 2,
‘five’ : 3, ‘five’ : 4, ‘five’ : 4}

What I want is, for example: 3 in this case.
I’m wondering if it is possible to do it directly from the dictionary without counting with a list.


You can use collections.Counter.
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> Counter(x for x in dict_1.values() if x not in dict_1.values())
Counter({‘five’ : 3, ‘two’ : 2, ‘four’ : 1, ‘one’ : 1})

If you have a very large dictionary

Ai Script Assist 7.15

Ai Script Assist is a tool that helps you manage your Adobe Illustrator scripts. It offers a rich user interface and lots of useful features.
With this tool you can:
1. Register your scripts.
2. Append scripts to your current script list.
3. Insert scripts into your current script list.
4. Set keyboard shortcuts for all the scripts in your current script list.
5. Export the scripts to a text file.
6. Suppress scripts.
7. Remove scripts.
8. Rename scripts.
9. View context menu for each script.
10. Schedule scripts for execution.
If you’re having problems or would like to make a suggestion, please feel free to use our feedback form. We read every submission we receive. 1, then there are lots of method calls and timing related stuff:

When animating with requestAnimationFrame:

When saving every frame to an array:

(This is actually an extremely bad idea. I’m using it as a demo.)

I used quite a lot of things from Douglas Crockford, another Google alum, who I believe is a sort of conscience of what non-web-devs are allowed to write. The most important one: JsPeg.js

The Parser Generator

JsPeg is a parser generator that has mostly been used for DSLs. It is pretty simple and does mostly the job. You can see an example of how it works here. My version actually works pretty similarly. I just wanted to demonstrate that it’s possible to write something.

This is not really a browser based project. It uses a set of rules. These rules are the grammar. If you don’t know what grammar means, it basically means that this is a formal language.


I’ve found the rules here. I’m not entirely sure what all the rules are, but they are pretty nice. Also, they provide a pretty basic compiler.

The Parser

Ok, I’m going to use the regex in a form I’m quite comfortable with. There are some functions that must be called during the parsing that I don’t have a lot of experience in. So, that’s why the parsing is a bit messed up.

The rule parser is okay, but I’m quite certain that a parser generator would have been

What’s New in the Ai Script Assist?


Ai Script Access is a free script management app with a unique feature that allows users to run scripts directly from within Adobe Illustrator. You can store your scripts in the cloud or on your computer and access them from anywhere.
The most important features of this app are:

Shortcut List Exporter for Adobe Illustrator. The list of scripts that can be inserted by a user, as well as the shortcut keys, can be exported to a file.
You can now run Ai Scripts directly from Adobe Illustrator!
It keeps the Ai Scripts within Illustrator. When the app starts, it removes the script from the path.

Installation and Use
The Ai Script Access installation package includes one version of Ai Script Access for Windows and one for macOS. You can run the application from your web browser, which allows you to open the Ai Script Access app on your computer from anywhere on the web.
If you plan to install the app on a Windows computer, you must install the following additional software: Adobe Flash Player. To do so, download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player from the Adobe website and install it.
To register the app on your Windows computer, launch Ai Script Access by clicking on the Ai Script Access icon on your Windows taskbar and entering your Adobe ID. After a successful registration, the Ai Script Access icon and other apps can be found in the Start Menu of your computer.
Opening Ai Script Access
When opening the Ai Script Access application for the first time, it automatically scans your computer for scripts. If no scripts are found, it asks you to select where to save and store your scripts.
Select the folder where you want your scripts to be stored, and then click on the Save button. To manage your scripts, click the arrow symbol next to the folder to open its contents.
If you want to run a script directly from within Illustrator, click on the Open button located at the top of the Ai Script Access window. If you want to add your scripts to an existing folder, click on the Add button to add the script to the current folder.

There are also many more actions you can do with Ai Script Access:

Paste the contents of a script into another script or into the active drawing area of Illustrator.
Run a script to open Illustrator scripts that you’ve saved in the cloud or on your computer.
You can share scripts with your team, partners, or even other users.

System Requirements For Ai Script Assist:

Slim Devices Caddie Mk1, Caddie Mk2, Caddie Mk3, Caddie Mk4
Caddie Mk3 (Flash version only)
Caddie Mk5, Caddie Mk6 (both tested with Caddie Mk5, Caddie Mk6)
Caddie Mk5, Caddie Mk6 (Both tested with Mino platform)
Default keyboard settings and virtual keyboard:
Default Settings
Virtual Keyboard

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