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What is AutoCAD?

It is an integrated 2D CAD software application for 2D drafting and design. It can be used by both professionals and students in architecture, construction, engineering and other engineering fields.

In the past, CAD could be used to simulate the mechanical behavior of complex systems, estimate the load and durability of structures, and perform preliminary design. However, today’s designs often exceed the capabilities of older CAD packages. The increased demands of current CAD users require tools that better manage complex design projects, speed up design process, and bring together the many disciplines involved in the planning and design of complex projects.


AutoCAD started in 1982 as a modification of the pen plotter developed by the Harry Roberts Research Institute of the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the National Center for Space Studies (NCSS), a precursor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSL). The application was created by a team led by Keith D. Trachtenberg, Charles E. Leiserson, and Joseph A. Herman, then at the University of Wisconsin. The team also had financial and professional assistance from Donald E. Knuth and Michael Karow. It was first named GRAPHDISK. In 1983, the first release of GRAPHDISK was named AutoCAD.

The idea was to create a simple drawing application, allowing a person to « plot » (draw, design, and analyze) a mechanical model. A person could place, rotate, and connect components without needing to know anything about programming. GRAPHDISK was released in 1981, with a computer mouse included in the program. In the original version, users could place, rotate, and connect drawing components using a mouse or a pen. They could also select a component and place it at a point, rotate it, or move it in any other way. Later, a keypad and a digital input device called the SUGI(TM) became available to speed up the process and allow for advanced features. GRAPHDISK was the first product that allowed users to manipulate complex structures by using the mouse to create structural and kinematic joints. With the implementation of kinematics, GRAPHDISK had a new feature called « tiepoint, » which allowed user to define « keypoints » as a position of a part to be connected.

First, users were allowed to place the structure manually and later

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Replacing lines of text such as HATCHED by the user with the line of text the user meant to use, was a popular feature for many of the programs that automated most of AutoCAD’s feature.

For VBScript, AutoCAD added Script Workspace on 14 March 2007 to replace the vbScript command line interface. The new scripting interface allows users to use vbscript as a component of more complex scripts. It has been one of the top performing add-on apps on the Autodesk Exchange store since it first went live.

The new functionality includes many examples of how the new scripting interface can be used and many new shortcuts. In particular, new VBA Shortcuts has simplified the creation of macros. Visual LISP was supported for scripts in AutoCAD’s current and previous releases, although was not an official option for the script editor in AutoCAD 2004. Prior to 2004 the only option was the more powerful Visual LISP Command Script Language (VLCSL).

In 2011 Autodesk released a new script technology built on the.NET Framework called ObjectARX. It is similar to VBA and Visual LISP, but allows interaction with the 3D environment of the program. Since then, AutoCAD has begun to support other.NET languages including C# and Powershell.

In 2015, the company acquired the old development team, which created the free modeling tool 123D Catch, 3D Architect, and many others.

Architecture, scalability, and interoperability

AutoCAD’s architecture has been redesigned from the ground up. AutoCAD LT, which was initially designed for use in educational and small-business markets, is now the primary release of AutoCAD. Many new features have been added to this new architecture including scalability, interoperability and increased application performance. AutoCAD LT can scale across millions of users on standard servers and networks. The architecture of AutoCAD LT, and other later releases, also supports a distributed architecture with each workstation connected to a single server. The architecture supports the use of other third party solutions such as: Windows (Windows Server, Windows 8) and Linux operating systems, and other third party file format interchange solutions. The new architecture also supports the use of local workgroup file servers.

AutoCAD can operate on the Windows, Mac, Linux, or UNIX platform using the same model and engineering workflow. Any of


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Why does the Java garbage collector clear objects that I declared as final?

I was testing the garbage collector in Java and made this small test:
public class finalObject {
public final Object someField = new Object();

public class NotFinalObject {
public Object someField = new Object();

public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
finalObject finalObject = new finalObject();
NotFinalObject notFinalObject = new NotFinalObject();

final Object finalValue = finalObject.someField;
Object value = notFinalObject.someField;

System.out.println(finalValue == value);

As far as I know both variables should be cleared by the garbage collector, the first one because it is declared as final, the second one because it is declared as Object, but in my test I obtain false.
Does the garbage collector clear the final object before garbage collection?


« Garbage Collection » is a bit of a misnomer. It’s more a matter of memory management than actual garbage collection.
The point is that Java is not a stack-based programming language. When you declare an object, the class is « allocated ». When you assign a new object to a variable, that object is « copied » from the « heap » onto the stack. If you then immediately assign the same object to a different variable, the reference to the first object still exists, but it’s not « copied » onto the stack. It’s only when the reference has been lost that the garbage collector is called.
In your case, the final object is created on the stack, and it lives as long as the main method does. But it doesn’t go « out of scope ». It’s still there.
NotFinalObject, on the other hand, is a new object that was created by the compiler, and it’s on the heap. It was declared on the heap, so it lives until it’s garbage-collected.

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System Requirements For AutoCAD:

ZTEX Framework (ZTEX) is a digital terrain management and mapping system that allows the creation of complex, dynamic maps, terrains, and objects. It can be used to create large scale maps, but is equally suitable for creating individual buildings and models of terrain. ZTEX can be used to model water (rivers, lakes, oceans) and support various types of vegetation. _____________________________
1.1.1 Operating Systems
ZTEX can be installed on:
– UNIX and Linux operating systems
– Microsoft Windows (

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