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AutoCAD 21.0 Crack [Win/Mac]







AutoCAD 21.0 Crack + [32|64bit]

AutoCAD was initially marketed to architectural firms, who use it as a powerful drafting program. AutoCAD then expanded into the field of civil engineering, architecture, construction, mechanical design, and other areas. In addition to the desktop program, AutoCAD has also been available as a web application from 2001, and more recently, as an iOS (iPhone/iPad) application from 2011. AutoCAD can be licensed for use on up to five computers.


Default behavior for geometric objects

When a layer is opened, AutoCAD creates the object or objects it contains in its default state. To do this, the user initially selects objects, such as lines and circles, and then moves them. In AutoCAD 2014, the objects are automatically snap-aligned to one another.

When a layer is closed, AutoCAD creates the layer again, moves the objects that were visible in the layer, and adds any new objects to the layer. If an object that was on the layer is deleted, AutoCAD does not create a new layer that contains the object.

When a new drawing is opened, AutoCAD creates layers that are associated with the drawing; drawing objects that are not contained in a layer are placed on the default layer. These default layers include the Layer 1 group, which is a standard layer that contains the entire drawing, and the Layer 2 group, which is a local layer that contains only the layer and the objects that are in that layer.

Use Object Snap modes

Object Snap modes provide a way to create a precise and accurate geometric shape or group of shapes. You can use Object Snap modes with objects on a layer or off the layer. Object Snap modes are useful for creating circles, arcs, lines, polygons, ellipses, and a range of other shapes. You can also align objects using Object Snap modes, which are available on the same axis as the base object. For example, you can align an arc to an arc or a line to a line.

Object Snap modes are available from the Home tab (they appear on the Geometric tab in earlier versions).

Object Snap modes are available for layers, in addition to objects. See Object Snap for Layers for more information.

Object Snap for Layers

Object Snap modes are available for a particular layer.

Object Snap modes can be used only with layers that are open in the current drawing. Layers that are not open are

AutoCAD 21.0 Crack

Basic and advanced programming is facilitated through a command line, Visual LISP, VBA, C++, and AutoLISP.


External links

Autodesk’s Developer Network
Autodesk Exchange Apps (includes download/install instructions)

Category:CAD softwareQ:

python scipy matrix to numpy array conversion

For a project I need to convert a scipy sparse matrix to a numpy array.
I do this:
mat_real = mat.toarray()

and it gives me a numpy array.
I can then do:

to see the contents of the array.
Now if I do:
import numpy as np


this is what I get:

which is not what I want. It seems to me that there is an underlying array which has got dimension 1.
How do I convert my scipy matrix to a numpy array?


You can directly use toarray(mat) which will return the NumPy array, instead of doing a conversion via toarray(). It does not matter if the sparse matrix mat is full or sparse.


I think you want to use numpy.fromcsr().

So mat = numpy.fromcsr(mat)


Why does this site only have a single security question?

I am not really sure how this works, but I am curious as to why this site only has a single question for Security questions (a topic which I also don’t know much about).
I would assume that we have a single question that covers, among other things, email authentication, password authentication, two factor authentication, locking mechanisms, if the attacker can come up with a single login, etc. This is usually a prerequisite for multi-factor authentication.
Does this site have any multi-factor questions? If not, why is there only a single security question?


The Security StackExchange has been created to facilitate the exchange of practical security information. In general, our policies do

AutoCAD 21.0 Crack + Activation Key PC/Windows

This article is more than 8 years old

This article is more than 8 years old

A majority of Americans have doubts that climate change is manmade and believe that action against global warming will destroy the economy and hurt their pocketbooks, according to new polling by the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center (Norc).

More than seven in 10 (72%) Americans believe that most of the recent increase in global temperatures is due to natural forces, while only 20% of the public believes that humans are primarily responsible for climate change, according to the poll.

‘I’m voting for the president and that’s the way it is’: US election confirmed Read more

Four in five (79%) Americans said climate change is harming the economy, while 16% said climate change was having no effect. More than half (58%) of the public believes that it is too late to stop the Earth from warming, with only 23% saying it is still possible to take action before it’s too late.

« We find that there are significant public doubts about the reality of climate change and the capacity of the U.S. to influence it, » said Norc director Mark J. Penn. « There’s a strong public desire for action to reduce global warming, but there’s also a strong public skepticism about its ability to do so and a strong desire to cut greenhouse gas emissions on an individual level, rather than on the scale of the nation. »

The new data was based on a telephone survey of 1,011 adults conducted in April.

The poll also found that the majority of Americans (56%) believe that climate change is happening, while 39% believe that it is not.

President Barack Obama has come under withering criticism from climate skeptics after the UN’s latest report, which shows global warming is happening much faster than previously believed, was released on Friday.

The report found that the last five years were the warmest on record. « It is virtually certain that 2010 will go down in history as the warmest year on record, » said Jotun Heinsohn, the head of the UN’s climate change science panel. « Despite the efforts by the international community, it is too late to avoid dangerous climate change, » Heinsohn said.

The White House said the report reinforced the need for the US to act on emissions cuts and said Obama would propose an emissions reduction plan within weeks.0 Shares 0



What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Quickly search for a specific section of text in multiple drawings and select the sections for easier use in the future. (video: 2:24 min.)

Make drawing history visible in CAD documents. In the future, you will be able to check the history of your drawings, create a checklist of changes made to your drawings and share the changes with others.

Quickly transfer 3D drawing content to 2D AutoCAD drawings. Easily transfer 3D model content from Revit or Autodesk Revit Architecture to AutoCAD. (video: 1:37 min.)

New features and capabilities

New Editor:

Enjoy a streamlined and simplified user experience in the new editor.

Bringing Material Previews to 3D drawing documents:

Bring the ability to see the look and color of a new material based on your choice of material options into 3D drawing documents.

Bring the ability to see a new material based on your choice of material options into 2D drawing documents.

Better Text Input:

More than 200 of the world’s most popular fonts available from Textures.com are now available in AutoCAD. And new text providers and advanced text formatting.

Improved Post Editing:

After a 3D drawing document is posted, quickly find and correct problems and then update the postings.

Advance AutoLISP (AutoCAD’s user-defined language) programming support in the future for AutoCAD customers and students.

Simplified toolbar and action bar:

The AutoCAD toolbar has been simplified and now features new and useful actions including:

New “Extents” command.

“Transform” now includes “Distribute”.

The “Select by Selection” action has been moved to the “Selection” tool.

The “Object Snap” menu and action is now “Selection”.

The “Deselect” menu and action is now “Selection”.

Color Picker:

The Color Picker is now available on the Standard toolbar and the Home tab. (video: 1:35 min.)

New and Updated Features:

Improved Camera and Tracking

The ability to use a background plate in 2D drawings now includes the ability to place a


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

* Game: Mafia 2
* License: freeware
* License: freeware Mafia 2 (2002) is a freeware from « Mafia » series. The game is a open world where players can choose any of six clans, and take part in mafia wars to kill other players. Those who were killed will be removed from the game, so others can take their place. If a clan member is killed, the clan will lose their monopoly of players in the game. The game features four main clans, including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and


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