AutoCAD 23.0 [2022]


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AutoCAD [2022-Latest]


AutoCAD Crack For Windows is the sixth major release of the AutoCAD family of programs.

AutoCAD is part of the Autodesk product line and is a comprehensive and powerful 2D CAD and drafting software application. AutoCAD is used worldwide by architects, engineers, planners, and drafters, including architects, engineers, planners, and drafters, to design everything from buildings, homes, and industrial structures to vehicles, bridges, and ships.

AutoCAD started out as a tool for engineers working on computer-controlled machine tools. The growth of the home-building industry drove AutoCAD’s evolution toward a drafting tool, and this environment created the demand for features that would appeal to designers. AutoCAD evolved to become the leader in this type of software application.

The first version of AutoCAD was released in 1982 for the IBM PC running MS-DOS and the SX-64 vector graphics hardware (a precursor to today’s 128 bit graphics card). The program was a significant advance in CAD technology. It was a true CAD application that performed the entire design process in the computer instead of requiring an operator to work at a separate graphics terminal. AutoCAD was the first CAD program to be based on an internal graphics controller rather than on external graphics terminals.

During the 1980s, AutoCAD was primarily a hardware-driven application. This was a period of rapid software development, and at the time of its release, AutoCAD was one of the most popular programs available on the market. The software was used by architects, engineers, and draftsmen across the globe to design everything from bridges and buildings to small cars, house additions, and commercial airplanes. The release of AutoCAD in 1982 drove the market for hardware-driven CAD to a new high.

AutoCAD was ported to other platforms such as the Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, and IBM OS/2.

In 1990, Autodesk licensed AutoCAD technology to Microsoft, which integrated the AutoCAD development tools into Microsoft’s development tools.

In 1995, Autodesk purchased the subscription-based service from Disney. The company renamed it Autodesk-PlaneMaker and, at the time of the acquisition, AutoCAD and the other Autodesk products were branded as « Autodesk Animation and Visual Effects Suite ». In 1998, the Company changed the company name to Autodesk, Inc. In April 2003, Autodesk acquired

AutoCAD Crack Activation

The AutoCAD Crack Keygen format is also a part of the Portable Document Format (PDF) family of standards, used to exchange and store electronic documents. The AutoCAD format is generally intended to be used to store AutoCAD documents in a way that is independent of the AutoCAD application and operating system.

On May 10, 2017, the AutoCAD Company announced AutoCAD 2017 Release 20, the first major release of AutoCAD to support 64-bit architecture.

On July 19, 2017, Autodesk announced the Autodesk Exchange App, enabling new apps for Autodesk customers, and accessible through a single sign-on portal. The first AutoCAD-related app, AutoCAD Architecture, was released on October 25, 2017.

AutoCAD has historically been one of the most costly applications, with annual prices of $19,000–$30,000. However, in 2011, Autodesk introduced the Autodesk Student Suite, an academic subscription priced from $299 to $699, which provides unlimited use on up to five PCs or Macs, and includes Autodesk® AutoCAD LT™.

Academic and Student licenses
Beginning in 2011, Autodesk introduced a new offering called the Autodesk Student Suite. It is similar to a standalone version of AutoCAD LT, with the difference being that students can work on a single computer and use AutoCAD only for design. The Student Suite is available for use on up to five computers, and is priced from $299 to $699.

On November 13, 2011, Autodesk made AutoCAD LT open source. The open-source license that was developed was not restricted to the academic community and was compatible with all the academic licenses that Autodesk Student had to offer. The Academic community is the largest segment of the AutoCAD LT user base.

In 2015, Autodesk announced the Autodesk Student Suite with standard pricing and a mobile application for both iOS and Android.


AutoCAD LT is a feature-limited version of AutoCAD. It is designed as a more affordable alternative to AutoCAD. This version of AutoCAD was formerly offered as AutoCAD LT, a version of AutoCAD, the most well-known product in the Autodesk line of computer aided design software.

AutoCAD LT’s.dwg and.dxf file formats are proprietary

AutoCAD Crack X64

Create a new drawing.
Select the line tool.
Draw a straight line at the 10cm length.
Add a new text box in the new drawing.
Choose the font.
Add a label with your text.
Choose a coloured background and select your font.
Use the keygen to get the overlay image and paste it on the label.
Save your drawing and close it.


adding data to sqldb using C#

i’m trying to add some data to a SQL Server DB using C#, after I’m successfull of this operation i want to insert into the table the code i did is this :
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(« SELECT * FROM [tbl] », con);
da.Fill(ds, « tbl »);

cmd = new OleDbCommand(« UPDATE tbl SET [par]=' » + param + « ‘ WHERE [id] =  » + id, con);

after that if i try to read the data i got an exception like :
Cannot open recordset. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3404)

any ideas why?


You need to open the connection before you can update.
da.Fill(ds, « tbl »);

cmd = new OleDbCommand(« UPDATE tbl SET [par]=' » + param + « ‘ WHERE [id] =  » + id, con);

From your comment, you probably also want to commit the changes to the database.

abstract: ‘We consider the problem of $k$-median clustering in the presence of noise. Although the problem is NP-hard for $k=2$, it is shown that an approximation ratio of $2-2\varepsilon$ is achievable in polynomial time. We also prove that the problem is APX-hard for the case $k \geq 3$. Applying algorithmic tools from cluster editing, we prove that a $2-O(\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm can be computed in

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Automatic Export:

Bring CAD data from the cloud. Increase speed and productivity with native online file sync and automatic export. (video: 2:00 min.)

Mouse Shortcuts:

Easily navigate the drawing space with new cursor preferences and a custom workspace that lets you quickly zoom out or zoom in. Quickly navigate the drawing space with new cursor preferences and a custom workspace that lets you quickly zoom out or zoom in. (video: 1:08 min.)

Enhanced Presentation and Review:

Present complex drawings in a dynamic way, with AutoCAD’s brand new Presentation and Review mode. Present complex drawings in a dynamic way, with AutoCAD’s brand new Presentation and Review mode. (video: 1:54 min.)


Enter the future with new Autodesk Add-Ins and new ways to customize and integrate with AutoCAD, including the AutoCAD Marketplace and the new Add-Ins Manager.

Enhanced User Interface:

The new look and feel of AutoCAD has been carefully designed to improve readability, speed, and overall user experience. The new look and feel of AutoCAD has been carefully designed to improve readability, speed, and overall user experience. (video: 1:54 min.)

Enhanced 3D Drawing and Modeling:

Make 3D models with new guided design tools and 3D modeling. Make 3D models with new guided design tools and 3D modeling. (video: 1:38 min.)

Enhanced Entity Creation:

Take it to the next level with new entity creation. With new entity creation, you can create your own entities, such as supports, bases, and temporary dimensions. Take it to the next level with new entity creation. With new entity creation, you can create your own entities, such as supports, bases, and temporary dimensions. (video: 1:28 min.)

Enhanced Power:

Save time and energy with the latest power features. Save time and energy with the latest power features. (video: 1:17 min.)

Enhanced Visualization:

Make your drawings run faster with new animation techniques. Make your drawings run faster with new animation techniques. (video: 2:25 min.)

Enhanced PDF Preview:

Preview your PDFs in AutoCAD quickly and efficiently, with enhanced PDF tools. Preview your

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 or later (Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 and
Windows XP with Service Pack 3)
Processor: 1.5 GHz Processor
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1 GB graphics card with 1 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available hard disk space

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