AutoCAD 23.1 Download (Final 2022)







AutoCAD Crack + Download

Quick Facts About AutoCAD Type of Software

All of the AutoCAD files that you create on your computer are binary. The program doesn’t save or open in any other file format. You can open a file and only edit it, or you can work in a normal text editor. It can be used to create drawings that can be printed or viewed on the screen.

Traditional autoCAD files are binary and must be created in the program. AutoCAD files are usually created from native AutoCAD drawings that are saved as.dwg (DWG),.dxf (DXF), or.dwg.dxf (DWG-Dxf) files and.pdf (PDF),.raster (RAS), or.tiff (TIFF) image files. You can open the native files in the same way you’d open the binary AutoCAD files created from them.


AutoCAD has powerful features for drafting, creating, and annotating drawings. If you’ve used Microsoft Office products or other CAD programs, you’ll have an idea of what AutoCAD is like. You can do things like create and manipulate shapes, move them, copy and paste them, create free-hand lines, curves, circles, and arcs, and measure distances and angles. It also allows you to draw snap lines, mark objects as selected, and calculate or find dimensions.

Unlike the CAD programs that came before it, AutoCAD can use your computer’s graphics card to draw, edit, and place objects, including 3D objects. Most CAD programs only let you draw 2D objects. AutoCAD’s 3D capability means you can place, measure, and annotate 3D objects in your drawings. 3D objects don’t have to be extruded; they can also be composed of 3D parts, or connected to other 3D objects. 3D objects can also be placed in rooms, attached to walls or ceilings, or attached to other 3D objects.

AutoCAD is a commercial program. As such, it comes with a number of features not available in some other CAD programs. For example, you can create 3D models from 2D images, import and edit separate layers of color and textures, generate external references to components and footprints, and generate exploded views. You can also manipulate 3D objects, view and edit them in different ways, and convert them to other file formats. You can also

AutoCAD Crack+ License Key Download

AutoCAD Cracked Accounts application (
Autodesk Exchange Apps (

In addition, AutoCAD is connected to various enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems including Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and Oracle

Autodesk release their products in five different categories: Web-based/Online (Autodesk Exchange), AutoCAD (Autodesk), WinFX/Software (Autodesk Exchange), Consumer/Core (Autodesk) and Content (Autodesk Exchange). Since 2010, Autodesk has been providing free access to academic editions of AutoCAD.

In addition, Autodesk provides 3D printing services for consumers, small businesses, and corporations.

Project management
Autodesk Project’s free AutoCAD Vault allows sharing drawing updates within a single project on a secure cloud network. It is provided by Autodesk as a standalone app and is available as a plugin for AutoCAD on the cloud to publish to.vpy and.par and work with AutoCAD in the cloud. Autodesk Project Exchange allows users to access and work on projects using a web browser.


See also
List of AutoCAD plug-ins
Comparison of CAD editors


External links

Category:American companies established in 1982
Category:3D graphics software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Dynamically linked libraries
Category:1982 software
Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Industrial software
Category:Software using the GPL license
Category:1982 establishments in CaliforniaQ:

Blur Input Field With Time Ago Icons

I’m creating an application that requires users to input a simple text field. I’m using Bootstrap to style my application. I need a way to blur the input field as well as an icon in the top right corner to signify that the field is no longer required. I cannot seem to find an image that fits in the top right corner and also has the functionality that I’m after. Here is a picture that shows what I’m talking about.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try this. It’s an example with a sample text input field and an icon to close the input text.


Click on File then Create a New
Open the template you downloaded to the location of the program you installed
Replace AutoCAD with the name of your downloaded template
Click Finish


Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot an error:

If the tool does not run:
Try reinstalling the program.
Make sure that you have the latest version of Autodesk Autocad and Activation Tools (both are from the same download) and a valid license key
If all else fails, contact Autodesk Technical Support.
If the issue is with Autocad, you can only use the keygen with the most recent version.
If the error is with your activation tools:
The keygen is missing, please install the latest version of Autodesk Autocad and Activation Tools (both are from the same download) and a valid license key.
If your error is a load error, please try installing from a different source.
If you still get a load error, please clear all temporary files, using the program uninstaller from the Autodesk Autocad and Activation Tools folder.


Category:Windows-only software

how to get time on list of phones in android

I want to get time of the phone automatically without touching the screen. I have a list of phones and I want to get the time, but how can I do this?


try this code it will work fine
public static void time_getter(Context context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

try {
//textView2.setText(« time »);
String api_url = «  »;
String charset = « UTF-8 »;
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(api_url + « ? » + « username= » + username + « &password

What’s New In?

Interactive Data Visualization:

Create dashboards to visualize and interact with large datasets. Use data visualization software to find patterns, trends, and outliers. (video: 1:05 min.)

Network & Internet Collaboration:

Communicate with your team, manage project files, and collaborate with others through the Autodesk® 360™ App for mobile devices. Use the App to share PDFs, CAD files, video, and other types of data with your team and stakeholders. (video: 1:15 min.)

CAD Exchange:

With CAD Exchange, you can easily incorporate your project files into the cloud, and access and edit them through the web. (video: 1:05 min.)

Drawing Update:

Workflows for sharing drawings with others are streamlined, and updated. You can easily send a shared drawing to a co-worker, or publish a drawing for others to see.

(video: 1:15 min.)


Powerful tools, components, and functionality that make the process of 3D modeling and drafting more efficient.

Improved Architecture

Quick visual feedback and self-guided improvement tools make it easier to improve design. More tools for mesh modeling, better material editing, and improved editing for structures such as fences and column joints.

Improved Civil & Structural Engineering

A new, powerful multi-axis component lets you quickly generate linear, cylindrical, and spherical bodies in the context of geometry and constrained surfaces.

Improved AutoCAD® Plant & Equipment

Meshes, components, and tasks become easier to create with a more powerful and flexible GUI. Components can be reused and organized in libraries.

Improved Fences, Joints, and Shapes

Increased precision and flexibility for beams, walls, and other shapes. Two new layers, Sheets & Joints, make it easy to edit a boundary based on joints.

Improved Surfaces & Mapping

Meshes and surface editing become easier to manage, and objects and surfaces are more responsive to manipulation.

Improved Labeling

With the introduction of the Display Objects layer, a new layer for placing 2D labels, and the ability to display layers and guides on surfaces, text labels are easier to manage.

Improved Desktop Interfaces

New floating bars and dialogs that let you interact with layers, panels

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

* Intel Core i5 or above
* At least 15 GB free hard disk space
* 24 hours of play time per account
* No more than 3 characters can be added to an account
* Unlimited cloud save and exchange features for permanent account upgrade
* IOS: Requires internet access
* Android: Emulator is not included in the game package, please follow the instructions of your emulator for operating

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