Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Civil 3D Crack Activation Code Download









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Axonometric view of the AutoCAD user interface in the 1980s. (Source: The CAD Place)

AutoCAD’s popularity has grown since its introduction; today, more than seven million users worldwide use the program on desktops and mobile devices.

The latest version of AutoCAD (2017, released in April 2017) includes full support for Windows 10, enabling it to run as a desktop app on PC, and on tablets and mobile devices as a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app.

Autocad 2017, early 2017. (Source: Autodesk)


In 1983, the basic concept of AutoCAD emerged from graphics systems designed by the Pathé group for the short-lived Apple Computer II series computers. The work was developed by design engineer Gary Brinson, who later moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Using a « benevolently autocratic » microprocessor (a type of microprocessor not actually used by the Apple II) as a powerful graphics co-processor, he designed an image-processing system to animate small characters, such as numerals and letters, and to generate simulated textures, including brick walls and other materials.

He also created the coordinate system needed to display the information on the screen. His drawings displayed any desired texture, and they appeared on the screen at the correct size.

Most people in the field viewed Brinson’s graphics system as a poor substitute for a dedicated graphics-processor. The power of the Apple II microprocessor was sufficient to handle the animation and the display.

Brinson’s drawing system was not the first image-processing system. The Tektronix 200 series of graphics terminals and the Xerox 8010 were among the early examples of image-processing systems. Brinson’s system used digital image processing, whereas those systems used analog (continuous-tone) image processing. The successful development of the Apple II in the late 1970s and early 1980s, however, gave Brinson’s drawing system a leg up on its rivals.

Brinson and a small team of colleagues developed the drawing system for the Apple II and tested it with samples of objects from a glass factory in Japan. Then they extended the system and tested it with other objects and sample drawings they had prepared. Finally, they had a drawing system ready for market.

During the 1979–1983 period, Brinson submitted a

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Desktop Publishing (DTP)
AutoCAD, along with the other Autodesk software packages and Autodesk Exchange Apps, was the only vendor that provided a native, commercial, host-based solution for desktop publishing (DTP) and design creation in 2003. Autodesk also provides integrated printing systems for B&W and color printing from DTP applications and AutoCAD drawings. The fastest print times are achieved by using the Automation Printing system. Because Autodesk has extensive experience in publishing software, Autodesk Exchange Apps for DTP allow users to access the printing system as a standalone application.
AutoCAD also provides its own page layout applications that complement its design applications. The latest DTP application, AutoCAD 2020, integrates a WYSIWYG viewer and a flexible graphics editor. The WYSIWYG view also allows editing of text, lines, polylines, and circles.


Layout tools

The program is designed to facilitate the creation of professional-quality layouts and plans. It offers the capabilities of a paper layout program, which allows layers of different media to be drawn on paper and manipulated as a whole, and the capabilities of a CAD package, which allows data to be plotted on a fixed two-dimensional plane.

Align to page (including special edges such as cuts or folds)
Design fixed area (checkerboard and wall templates)
Draw areas for backgrounds and page numbers
Design pages with raster and vector objects
Cut and resize objects on selected objects
Graticule and find tool (specifically the line tool)
Grid snap
Set page size to any specified size
Stack drawings
Trim edges of objects

Geometry tools

AutoCAD features a set of special geometry tools that allow users to design more efficiently.

Analyze tool
The Analyze tool is an extension of the line tool. It lets users create properties for specific segments of lines, such as length, area, centroid, intersection, or angle. A feature of this tool allows the operator to create a profile that shows measurements of a line as if the line were projected onto a two-dimensional plane. This tool can be used to determine line shape or gap information.

Dimensioning tool
The Dimensioning tool is used to dimension objects. It allows users to define a length, width, or area.

Freehand tool
The Freehand tool allows the creation of free-form shapes by

AutoCAD With License Code [March-2022]

Click on File –> New and then “AutoCAD”, it will prompt you to Install.

After installing complete the installation process and it will prompt you to activate the activation.
Click on File –> Activate New.

If you are using a Mac, you can use the below commands:

POWDERd is a free and legal replacement for Microsoft’s AutoCAD.

The command is as follows:
/usr/libexec/powdered -x /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD/20.0.

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Introducing Design Fax:

You can now send PDF files of CAD drawings directly to your fax machine or to a mobile device. AutoCAD is the first CAD application to incorporate fax technology and give you the tools to do that in one step. (video: 1:20 min.)

Raster-based blending with the Perspective Tool:

The Perspective Tool in AutoCAD enables you to blend CAD drawings with photographic, aerial, and SketchUp models, making it possible to view your designs from any angle. (video: 1:23 min.)

Pivot Points:

Pivot points enable you to isolate specific features of a part or assembly, such as the bottom of an enclosure. AutoCAD now recognizes pivot points and quickly finds them in images and PDFs. (video: 1:09 min.)

First-Person Viewing with the Dynamic Environment:

The dynamic environment enables you to view your drawings through your own eyes. Just as you would in real life, you can view your drawings with head-on or cross-sectional views and walk around your drawing by moving your mouse. (video: 1:09 min.)

Fast Graphic Modeling:

Selecting any shape or path in a drawing and dragging it to a different location in the same drawing is now a single action. And the Dynamic Environment gives you the freedom to drag and move your viewports and plotters freely, as if you were in a real space. (video: 1:15 min.)

Faster and Easier 2D Drafting:

If you’re working with a drawing that has many parts and sections, you’re no longer burdened with the task of drawing cutlines around every section. You now have an easy way to cut a section without cutting any lines. (video: 1:06 min.)

Smart Home Interiors:

AutoCAD now supports an array of third-party home interiors technologies. With Visonics and DraftingStudio in AutoCAD, you can now go beyond the walls of a model and visualize your project to the built environment. (video: 1:25 min.)

Design and Analyze in 3D Using DraftSight:

When you’re in a design environment, you’re no longer limited to 2D. If you’ve got a 3D model in 3D DraftSight, you can use the Power Editing features

System Requirements:

4-Core CPU or better
DirectX 11 compatible GPU with 256MB VRAM
Minimum Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system (Windows 10 compatible)
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