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The causes of casual sex, according to research, can be broadly classified as biological or sociological.
What Does Casual Sex Mean?

There isn’t much definition of casual sex on Wikipedia (especially for genderqueer and other non-standard identities). In the following, we’ll define it as the act of having sex without any emotional attachment.
Causal sex has several negative consequences to people and society, both short- and long-term. The author of the article “Why the Casual Sex Is Bad for You,” Alex Banducci, argues that casual sex causes a lot of problems for people, including but not limited to:
2. Risky behavior

We’ve already stated that it can lead to diseases (that are curable, but sometimes are difficult to diagnose), unplanned pregnancy, and STDs. To make things worse, in some cases the infection can cause serious physical or psychological effects, such as infertility, cervical cancer, and other diseases.

Aside from those possible negative consequences, casual sex can lead to other problems, too. The article “The Negative Effects of Casual Sex,” written by Sara Benincasa, says that, depending on the person who is having casual sex, it can create feeling of not belonging to a community, cause guilt and depression, and lead to low self-esteem, lower self-worth and even suicide.
There is a simple reason for that: when you care about someone before you first get naked, you are more likely to take precautions — like condom use, fewer partners, and abstinence, when they are needed.

3. Unpredictable

On the surface, casual sex makes us feel like we can have sex with the person whenever we want without any baggage. In practice, however, it is far more likely to remain a one-night stand. The reason for this is that casual sex leaves very little to no psychological build-up, which means that it is much more likely to end in a breakup.

4. Devoid of emotional investment

Aside from the lack of emotional dependency, there is also another reason why casual sex is often a one-night stand: It’s simply easier to start things with no feelings of attachment or commitment.
One of the studies on casual sex found that around 80% of casual sexual encounters started with feelings of casual sex.

5. Unhealthy

A sexual encounter without attachment can have some pretty negative side effects on your health and physical fitness
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A Morning Consult/Politico poll found that 56 percent of Americans have tried casual sex, making one-night stands commonplace. The poll found that for millennials, the age group most likely to report casual hookups, the percentage shoots up to 73 percent. Thanks to the seemingly overnight popularity of online dating apps, hookups have officially become the new normal.
Multiple studies have shown that the majority of people who engage in casual sex have never had serious relationships. In fact, it turns out that a substantial majority of people who hook up will do so with people they’re not likely to be romantic with, either long-term or in the future.
It’s Time to Have Less Sex, Not More Fun Casual sex can sometimes be a great way to lose your virginity. You don’t have to commit — but it certainly helps. Then again, sometimes sex is just sex, and if you’re with a person who’s simply not your type, then it’s worth saying no.
Hookup apps are the sexual equivalent of fast food. They’re cheap, convenient, and easy to find. But after all, casual sex isn’t health food. In an ideal world, it would be healthy and mutually beneficial, but in reality, it often comes with side effects. One of the worst side effects casual sex has come to be associated with is sexual health issues, particularly in women.
Whereas there are some primary reasons to avoid having casual sex — such as the risk of STDs, the impossibility of satisfying your partner, and the fact that having one sexual partner is bad for your relationships — there are also a slew of secondary reasons.

How casual sex is killing your chances of finding love
The casual hookup culture that all of us have been a part of is the byproduct of a growing sexual obsession. But what makes casual sex bad for your emotional health? Does casual sex harm your future relationship options? What are some of the health risks involved? To find out, we talked to sexpert Dr. Helen Fisher, who studies the mysteries of human mating, sex and intimacy.
Photo credit: Getty Images Credit — Getty Images Photo credit: Getty Images The third time I slept with a guy, he attempted to fuck me in the ass and I was like, ‘No, can’t we just stop now?’ But I did what I was supposed to do and I tried to look like a good partner and we did it again the next week and he kept repeating the same thing.

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