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.html.html executable 4.7 crack or 394A tiny, remote and highly endangered group of honeyeaters living on an island off the north coast of New Zealand has died out, and scientists have proposed a way for nearby conservationists to save the species before it’s too late.

Cordylus sinensis, a small flamboyant honeyeater found only on the Hapa Island group north of mainland New Zealand, has lived on the tiny island for over a century.

The bird’s entire population of just 20 to 30 birds, roughly half of which are believed to be age one and two, died after being poisoned by a burrowing possum, a common predatory mammal that hunters have known to inhabit the island for decades.

« We have no idea when they will be gone, » said Marjorie Taylor, an ornithologist who has conducted surveys of the honeyeaters. « We could lose them in the coming years, or the population could bounce back. »

The species is listed as « near threatened » on the New Zealand Threat Classification System and, as such, needs to be

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