SakuraBundlepack PATCHED

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This property is for sale by, or through, Bokomo Real Estate Properties. The real estate agent has agreed to provide this listing, for free, as a convenience to potential buyers. Bokomo Real Estate Properties has agreed to help find buyers for this property, through our preferred partner, 123 TrueHomes.Primary vesiculopapillary histiocytoma (extension to the scalp).
A case of primary vesiculopapillary histiocytoma (VPH) is described and compared with cutaneous eyelid and skull-based lesions. These uncommon proliferative (low-grade) lesions share histologic features with the more common cutaneous solid spindle cell neoplasms. Histologic features of the primary scalp lesion are a paucicellular mass with neutrophils, blood, and histiocytes. Immunohistochemical staining shows strong positive reactivity for CD68 and lysozymes, supporting a histiocytic lineage for these tumors. Follow-up indicates that VPH is a rare and benign lesion with a very good prognosis.Q:

How to get success or fail status from an jQuery ajax callback?

Below is my jQuery code:
type: « POST »,
url: «  »,
data: queryString,
contentType: « application/json; charset=utf-8 »,
dataType: « json »,
success: function(result) {
//Call my JavaScript function getDates(result)
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

I need to get the status from the success callback – either success or failure.
Is there a better way?


you can check the response
type: « POST »,
url:  »

Sakura Edition – Call.
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SakuraBundlePack, ARS$ 907,20. Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!
Sakura Edition is the complete bundle pack including the bonus character Sakura Shot!

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