XmppSimpleMessageSender Crack

XmppSimpleMessageSender is a lightweight and easy to use tool designed to help you send messages to a XMPP server.
You can send messages to either a chat room or a user. XmppSimpleMessageSender only runs in the command prompt, but it won’t pose any problems to beginners. In order to use it, you have to enter the following syntax:
java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u (or c, for sending the message to a chat room) -p password -u username -s server.com -port 1234 -targetJID test@server.com (or test@conference.server.com) -message ‘Softpedia!’









XmppSimpleMessageSender Crack For PC (Final 2022)

XmppSimpleMessageSender is a lightweight and easy to use tool designed to help you send messages to a XMPP server.

XmppSimpleMessageSender only runs in the command prompt, but it won’t pose any problems to beginners. In order to use it, you have to enter the following syntax:
java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u (or c, for sending the message to a chat room) -p password -u username -s server.com -port 1234 -targetJID test@server.com (or test@conference.server.com) -message ‘Softpedia!’

The following options are available:

-modeu : Set the message type to user, for example u for adding a new user.
-modec : Set the message type to chat room, for example c for adding a new chat room.
-ppassword : Set the password for the user.
-upassword : Set the password for the chat room.
-server.com : Set the XMPP server (name) to which the message will be sent. You must enter a value for this parameter.
-port : Set the XMPP server port to which the message will be sent. You must enter a value for this parameter.
-targetJID : Set the JID of the user or chat room to which the message will be sent. You must enter a value for this parameter.
-message : Set the message. You must enter a value for this parameter.

If you encounter any problems, please send us an e-mail.

Currently supported servers:
Gajim, Psi

All your are welcome to our support page:

License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or later

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.rim.device.api.util.ArrayUtilities;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.xmpp.packet.IQ;
import org.xmpp.packet.Message;
import org.xmpp.packet

XmppSimpleMessageSender Product Key


XmppSimpleMessageSender Latest

A simple JAR to send an MUC room message.

XmppSimpleMessageSender includes features that are no longer available in new versions of XMPP. In addition to the previous features, the messages will be delivered to a chat room, and will contain a poster (your xmpp nickname). You can also append your nickname to the message. For example:
xmpp – mode u – targetJID test@server.com – message ‘Hello, world!’ -append ‘Hello world! ;-)’

XmppSimpleMessageSender includes two ways to specify the server and chat room:

Sending the message to a user:
xmpp – mode u – targetJID test@server.com – message ‘Hello, world!’ -append ‘Hello world! ;-)’ -u myusername

Sending the message to a chat room:
xmpp – mode u – targetJID test@server.com – message ‘Hello, world!’ -append ‘Hello world! ;-)’ -s myroom

The -u option is mandatory. If you want to specify the server, you have to specify the JID first. Here is an example:
xmpp – mode u – targetJID test@server.com – server server.com – message ‘Hello, world!’

If you want to specify a chat room, you have to use the -s option.
XmppSimpleMessageSender is a command line tool and it will only work in the command prompt. However, it is very easy to use it from a Windows application. For more information, you can check out this tutorial. You can also do this:

First, download the xmppsms.jar file from GitHub.
Then, create a folder with your XMPP account.
Extract the downloaded zip file and copy the xmppsms.jar file into this folder.
Finally, run the following command in the folder:
java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u -p password -u username -s server.com -port 1234 -targetJID test@server.com -message ‘Softpedia!’

Note: The -mode u option will force the server to deliver the message to a room.
Alternatively, you can use the -mode c option to deliver the message to a chat room.

If you have any

What’s New in the?

XmppSimpleMessageSender is a lightweight and easy to use tool designed to help you send messages to a XMPP server.
It can either send messages to a chat room or a user. XmppSimpleMessageSender only runs in the command prompt, but it won’t pose any problems to beginners. In order to use it, you have to enter the following syntax:
java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u (or c, for sending the message to a chat room) -p password -u username -s server.com -port 1234 -targetJID test@server.com (or test@conference.server.com) -message ‘Softpedia!’
C:\>java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u -p test -u test@conference.server.com -s server.com -targetJID test@server.com -message ‘Softpedia! :)’


test@server.com — — message: Softpedia! 🙂

Example with command-line options
C:\>java -jar xmppsms.jar -mode u -p test -u test@conference.server.com -s server.com -targetJID test@server.com -message ‘Softpedia! :)’

setMode(u, [c] — [u] specify a chat room or [c] specify a user)
setPassword(p — [p] specify the password)
setServer(s — [s] specify the xmpp server address)
setTargetJID(t) — [t] specify the xmpp target address)
setMessage(m) — [m] specify the message to be sent

Configuration with file
Configuration file:
« mode »: « u »,
« password »: « test »,
« server »: « server.com »,
« targetJID »: « test@server.com »,
« message »: « Softpedia! »,
« mode »: « u »,
« password »: « test »,
« server »: « server.com »,
« targetJID »: « test@server.com »,
« message »: « Softpedia! »,


Thank You for posting this tool!
I found a problem with this tool, which has now been fixed.
A new version of XmppSimpleMessageSender is now available. This version fixes the problem you described.
It is available on my website:

System Requirements:

Mac Requirements:
Mavericks only, OS X 10.9 or later
CPU: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor recommended, 2.6 GHz or faster
Hard Disk Space: 300 MB for installation and 15 GB for installation updates
Graphics: Intel HD 3000 or later, NVIDIA GeForce 650M or later, ATI Radeon HD 2600 or later, or Intel Iris Pro Graphics or later
Video: Intel HD 3000 or later, NVIDIA GeForce 650M or later, ATI Radeon HD 2600 or later
Input: Keyboard


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